Cinci skyline with wood moon

Something different from me, not usually my style, but I like it. Love using the wood gnarls for moons. Acrylic on watercolor stained wood.

Yellow Finch

Sometimes the board of wood tells you what it wants painted on it, I love how this turned out. I really want to do some more birds, just gotta find the right pieces with awesome knots.

From the Conrady-Mantauno collection

Commissioned piece, for my friends Michelle and Eric, who have been my biggest patrons. She said "abstract, bright colors, 3-d".... and this is what she got. 4' x 2', acrylic on birch.

MidPoint Music Fest 2011

I painted a skateboard for Able Projects gallery truck c/o Artworks for the Midpoint musicfest Midaway, helped em' lift heavy stuff too. Lotsa fun.

Wood Skies and Moons

I've been getting into painting on wood, love the woodgrains and knots.

Drink like a Fish

I do NOT condone drinking like a fish, unless you ARE a fish.

Coffee Tiki

Why have I not posted my coffee art? I have tons! Here's a couple of my favs.

Chairity II

Rocking chair for the 2011 PRO SENIORS charity auction event. I'm so much happier with this one over last year's! Made the top tier again this year, it went for $1600! And only 1 other chair beat mine at $1650. Not too shabby!

Bee nice!

Watercolor and ink from a photo I took myself.

The Grove Northside

I painted the windows for my friend's restaurant, which is unfortunately no longer operating.